陕西省欧美同学会(陕西省留学人员联谊会) 关于协助开展 2021 年国家自然科学基金优秀 青年科学基金项目(海外)申报的通知
陕西省欧美同学会(陕西省留学人员联谊会) 关于协助开展 2021 年国家自然科学基金优秀 青年科学基金项目(海外)申报的通知
为贯彻落实国家和省委有关人才工作的部署安排,广泛吸引 以自然科学、工程技术等领域为主要研究方向的海外优秀青年学 者(含非华裔外籍人才)回国(来华)开展创新性研究工作,培 养一批有望进入世界科技前沿的优秀学术骨干。我会将积极联络 广大海外优秀人才,向我省各高等院校、科学研究机构等有关单 位推荐、输送人才,主动搭建人才与依托单位间的桥梁,协助开 展 2021 年国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)申报工作,现将有关事项通知如下。
1. 申请人应当遵守中华人民共和国法律法规,具有良好的 科学道德,自觉践行新时代科学家精神。
2. 申请人出生日期在1980年9月1日以后且具有博士学位。
3. 申请人研究方向主要为自然科学、工程技术等。
4. 在 2021 年 4 月 30 日前,申请人一般应在海外高校、科 研机构、企业研发机构获得正式教学或者科研职位,且具有连续 36 个月以上工作经历。在海外取得博士学位且业绩特别突出的, 可适当放宽工作年限要求。
5. 申请人已取得同行专家认可的科研或技术等成果,且具 有成为该领域学术带头人或杰出人才的发展潜力。
6. 申请人尚未全职回国(来华)工作,或者 2019 年 9 月 1 日以后回国(来华)工作。获资助通知后须辞去海外工作或在海 外无工作,全职回国(来华)工作不少于 3 年。
1. 优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)执行《2021 年度国家自 然科学基金项目指南》中优秀青年科学基金项目的限项要求,同 层次国家人才计划只能申请或承担一项,不能逆层次申请。
2. 当年申请或正在承担优秀青年科学基金项目的不得申请 优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)。
1. 资助强度:100-300 万元。
2. 资助期限:3 年。
1. 我会将根据申请人的情况向我省各高等院校、科学研究 机构等已在国家自然科学基金委注册的申报依托单位进行人才 推荐,积极促成申请人与国内有关单位签订工作合同或意向性协 议、完成申报程序。
2. 我会将根据申请人的情况向国家部委、省级有关部门及 地方企事业单位进行人才推荐,积极为各位申请人提供国家及我 省各地方人才政策的咨询和政策倾斜对接服务。
3.我会将积极协助申报人对接我省相关单位有关人才认定、 就业落户、养老医疗、住房、子女入学、配偶就业、薪酬待遇和 永居证申领使用等方面的支持政策。
申报材料包括:(1)个人简历;(2)学历学位证书复印件; (3)身份证或护照复印件;(4)海外任职证明材料;(5)科研 技术成果证明。
项目申报截止时间为 2021 年 4 月 30 日,请有意向的申请人 于截止日期前将您的申报材料以“姓名+学位+海外就职单位+职 务+优青(海外)申报”为标题发送至我会邮箱,并留下您的微 信及其他联系方式便于后续沟通。
欢迎广大海内外优秀留学人员联系我会工作人员,我会将积 极为各位提供陕西各地方有关人才引进的支持与保障政策,竭诚 为广大留学人员在陕开创事业提供服务与帮助。
附件:国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)项 目指南
陕西省欧美同学会(陕西省留学人员联谊会) 2021 年 3 月 3 日
为进一步完善科学基金人才资助体系,充分发挥科学基金引进和培养人才的功能,吸引 海外优秀青年人才回国(来华)工作,国家自然科学基金委员会(以下简称自然科学基金委) 自 2021 年起,设立国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)。
一、项目定位 优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)旨在吸引和鼓励在自然科学、工程技术等方面已取得较 好成绩的海外优秀青年学者(含非华裔外籍人才)回国(来华)工作,自主选择研究方向开 展创新性研究,促进青年科学技术人才的快速成长,培养一批有望进入世界科技前沿的优秀 学术骨干,为科技强国建设贡献力量。
1. 资助强度:100-300 万元。
2. 资助期限:3 年。
已在自然科学基金委注册的依托单位访问优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)依托单位系统, 填写相应信息后,可以直接申请优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)。尚未在自然科学基金委注 册的单位应当访问优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)依托单位系统,提出登记申请,经审核批 准后,可以申请优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)。系统将于 2021 年 2 月 22 日以后开放。
1. 优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)的申请人应当具备以下条件:
(2)出生日期在 1980 年 9 月 1 日以后;
(5)在 2021 年 4 月 30 日前,一般应在海外高校、科研机构、企业研发机构获得正式教 学或者科研职位,且具有连续 36 个月以上工作经历;在海外取得博士学位且业绩特别突出的, 可适当放宽工作年限要求;
(6)取得同行专家认可的科研或技术等成果,且具有成为该领域学术带头人或杰出人才 的发展潜力;
(7)申请人尚未全职回国(来华)工作,或者 2019 年 9 月 1 日以后回国(来华)工作。 获资助通知后须辞去海外工作或在海外无工作,全职回国(来华)工作不少于 3 年。
2. 限项要求
(1)优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)执行《2021 年度国家自然科学基金项目指南》中 优秀青年科学基金项目的限项要求,同层次国家人才计划只能申请或承担一项,不能逆层次 申请。(2)当年申请或正在承担优秀青年科学基金项目的不得申请优秀青年科学基金项目(海 外)。
1. 符合条件的申请人,可按照项目指南要求,与依托单位签订工作合同或者意向性协议, 于 2021 年 3 月 22 日以后登录信息系统,在线填写《国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项 目(海外)申请书》(以下简称申请书)。申请人对所提交申请材料的真实性负责。
2. 申请人应当按照申请书填报说明和撰写提纲的要求用简体中文或英文在线填写申请 书,并上传附件等材料。
3. 优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)实行无纸化申请方式,申请人在线提交电子申请书及 附件、公正性承诺书等材料至依托单位,由依托单位审核后在线提交自然科学基金委。
1. 依托单位应认真组织申请工作,并保证申请材料的真实性、完整性及合规性。
2. 依托单位应在规定的项目申请截止日期(2021 年 4 月 30 日)前提交本单位电子申请 书及附件材料。
3. 依托单位提交电子申请书时,应通过信息系统逐项确认,签署承诺后提交至自然科学 基金委。
联系人:张韶阳 雷蓉
联系电话: +86-10-62329133 62325562
1. 优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)依托单位系统链接 https://isisn.nsfc.gov.cn/egrantweb/index?netf=selorgtype
2. 项目申请信息系统链接 https://isisn.nsfc.gov.cn/
DocumentofShaanxiWesternReturnedScholarsAssociation (Shaanxi Overseas-educated Scholars Association)
Notice of the Shaanxi Western Returned Scholars Association on assisting the application of Science Fund Project for Outstanding Youth (overseas) supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2021
All branches, local organizations, group members, individual members, overseas and domestic scholars:
In order to implement the national and provincial party committee’s deployment arrangements for talents, we have widely attracted outstanding young overseas scholars (including non-Chinese foreign talents) who mainly research in natural sciences, engineering technology and other fields to return or come to China to carry out innovative research work so as to cultivate a group of outstanding academic backbones who are expected to make achievements in the forefront of world science and technology. For the purpose of assisting the application of Science Fund Project for Outstanding Youth supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2021, we will actively contact the vast number of outstanding overseas talents, recommend talents to relevant institutions such as colleges and universities, scientific research institutions in our province and take the initiative to establish the relationship between talents and related departments. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.
I. Application conditions and funding mode (please check the enclosure for details)
a) General conditions
i. The applicant ought to abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, have good scientific ethics, and being with the spirit of scientists in the new era.
ii. The applicant’s date of birth should be after September 1, 1980 and have a doctorate degree.
iii. The applicant's research direction is mainly in the fields of natural science, engineering and technology.
iv. The applicant should generally obtain formal teaching or scientific research positions in overseas universities, scientific research institutions, and corporate R&D institutions, and have more than 36 consecutive months of work experience before April 30, 2021. For those who have obtained PhD degrees overseas and have outstanding performance, the requirements for working years may be relaxed.
v. The applicant has obtained scientific research or technical achievements recognized by peer experts, and has the development potential to become an academic leader or outstanding talent in this field.
vi. The applicant has not yet returned to work in China (coming to China) full-time, or returning to work in China (coming to China) after September 1, 2019. Upon receiving the grant, the applicant must resign from overseas employment or have no employment overseas and return to China full-time to work for not less than 3 years.
b) Other restrictions
i. The Science Fund Project for Outstanding Youth (overseas) implements the limit requirements which are verified in the "2021 National Natural Science Foundation Project Guide". Moreover, applicants can only apply for or undertake a national talent plan at the same level and do not allow reverse-level applications. ii. Those who applied for or were undertaking the Science Fund Project for Outstanding Youth (overseas) in the current years are forbidden from applying for it at this time. c) Funding i. Funding limitation: 1 to 3 million yuan.
ii. Funding Duration: 3 years. II. Instructions for assistance in application a) We will recommend talents to colleges and universities and scientific research institutions in our province that have registered with the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and actively promote the applicants to sign work contracts or intention agreement as well as complete declaration procedure with relevant domestic departments based on the situation of applicants.
b) We will recommend talents to national ministries and commissions, relevant provincial departments, and local enterprises and institutions according to the applicant's situation, and actively provide applicants with consultation services on national and local talent policies.
c) We will actively assist the applicant in docking with the supporting policies of relevant working departments of our province in terms of talent identification, employment settlement, medical care, housing, children's enrollment, spouse employment, salary and application for permanent residence permit.
III. Application materials and contact information The application materials include:
(1) personal resume;
(2) copy of academic degree certificate;
(3) copy of ID card or passport;
(4) certificate of overseas employment;
(5) certificate of scientific research and technological achievements.
The deadline for project application is April 30, 2021. Interested applicants are requested to send your application materials with the title "Name + Degree + Overseas Employment Institution + Position + Outstanding Youth (Overseas) Application" before the deadline. Please leave your WeChat ID and other contact information to facilitate our follow-up communication with you.
We sincerely welcome the excellent overseas talents to contact us. Our association will be committed to furnishing applicants with the support and guarantee policies. Support and guarantee policies for talent introduction and wholeheartedly provide services and facilitation for the overseas outstanding youth to start career life in Shaanxi province.
Email: sxwrsa@163.com
Contact number: 029-83691068, 029-83691088
Contacts: Hu Jiuyan (WeChat ID: hujiuyan002)
Zhang Yuchen (WeChat ID: amber940318)
Enclosure: National Natural Science Foundation of China Excellent Youth Science Fund Project (Overseas) Project Guide
Shaanxi Western Returned Scholars Association
(Shaanxi Overseas-educated Scholars Association) March 3,2021
Guide to Science Fund Project for Outstanding Youth (overseas) supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China
In order to further improve the talent funding system of NSFC, give full play to the function of introducing and cultivating talents and attract overseas outstanding young talents to return to work in China, NSFC (hereinafter referred to as NSFC) has set up Science Fund Project for Outstanding Youth (overseas) since 2021.
I. Project orientation The Science Fund Project for Outstanding Youth (overseas) aims to attract and encourage overseas outstanding young scholars (including non-Chinese expatriates) who have made good achievements in natural science, engineering technology, etc. to return to work in China, independently choose research directions and carry out innovative research, so as to promote the rapid growth of young scientific and technological talents, and cultivate a group of distinguished academic backbones who are expected to make achievements in the forefront of world science and technology.
II. Funding
a) Funding limitation: 1-3 million yuan.
b) Funding period: 3 years.
III. Supporting Institutions:
The supporting institutions registered with NSFC can directly apply for the Science Fund Project for Outstanding Youth (overseas) after visiting the supporting units system of our project and filling in the corresponding information. Institutions and departments that have not yet registered with NSFC shall visit the supporting unit system of the Science Fund Project for Outstanding Youth (overseas) and apply for registration. After examination and approval, they can apply for this project. Besides, the system will be open after February 22, 2021.
IV. Applicant conditions
a) Applicants for the Science Fund Project for Outstanding Youth (overseas) shall meet the following requirements:
i. Abiding by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, have good scientific ethics, and being with the spirit of scientists in the new era.
ii. The date of birth is after September 1, 1980;
iii. Having a doctor's degree;
iv. The main research directions are natural science, engineering technology, etc;
v. Obtaining formal teaching or scientific research positions in overseas universities, scientific research institutions, and corporate R&D institutions, and have more than 36 consecutive months of work experience before April 30, 2021. Those who have obtained PhD degrees overseas and have outstanding performance, the requirements for working years may be relaxed.
vi. Obtained scientific research or technical achievements recognized by peer experts, and has the development potential to become an academic leader or outstanding talent in this field.
vii. For those who has not yet returned to work in China (coming to China) full-time, or returning to work in China (coming to China) after September 1, 2019. After receiving the funding grant, applicants must resign from overseas job and work in China full-time for no less than 3 years.
a) Limitation requirements for projects:
i. The Science Fund Project for Outstanding Youth (overseas) implements the application restrictions which are verified in the "2021 National Natural Science Foundation Project Guide". Moreover, applicants can only apply for or undertake a national talent plan at the same level and do not allow reverse-level applications.
ii. Those who applied for or were undertaking the Science Fund Project for Outstanding Youth (overseas) in the current years are forbidden from applying for it at this time.
V. Declaration instructions
a) Notes for applicants
i. The qualified applicants can sign work contract or intention agreement with the supporting units according to the requirements of the project guide, log in to the information system after March 22, 2021, and fill in the application form for the Science Fund Project for Outstanding Youth (overseas) supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (hereinafter referred to as the application). The applicant shall be responsible for the authenticity of the application materials submitted.
ii. The applicant shall fill in the application online in simplified Chinese or English according to the requirements of filling in instructions and writing outline of the application, upload the attachment and other materials.
iii. The Science Fund Project for Outstanding Youth (overseas) adopts paperless application mode, which require applicants to submit the electronic application, attachment, impartiality commitment and other materials to the supporting unit online, and can only submit them to the NSFC online after the approval of the supporting unit.
b) Dos and don’ts for supporting units
i. The supporting unit shall seriously organize the application process and ensure the authenticity, integrity and compliance of the application materials.
ii. The supporting unit shall submit its own electronic application and attached materials before the deadline for project application (April 30, 2021).
iii. When submitting the electronic application, the supporting unit shall confirm it item by item through the information system and submit it to NSFC after signing the commitment. VI. Contact information Contacts: Zhang Shaoyang, Lei Rong Contact number: + 86-10-62329133 62325562 Information system technical support (Information Center): + 86-10-62327021
VII. Related links
1. System link of supporting units of the Science Fund Project for Outstanding Youth (overseas) https://isisn.nsfc.gov.cn/egrantweb/index?netf=selorgtype
2. Project application information system link https://isisn.nsfc.gov.cn/
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